After-School Clubs, Community Activities, and Tuition Safeguarding Guidance for Providers’ (September 2023)
The Department of Education has just released updated guidance that replaces the previous ‘Keeping Children Safe in Out-of-School Settings.’ This latest document, ‘After-School Clubs, Community Activities, and Tuition Safeguarding Guidance for Providers’ (September 2023), is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for organisations working with children and young people in non-school settings.
Here are the key headlines:
- The DfE strongly encourages all out-of-school settings, including organisations, clubs, and tuition providers, to adopt this new guidance as the standard for best practices, even though it’s non-statutory.
- The document includes a handy checklist (located on pages 11 and 12) that summarises the key points. It’s an essential reference tool that sets the minimum expectations for child safety.
- The updated guidance bolsters various aspects, including governance, support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEN), staff recruitment and management, and procedures for addressing missing children during activities. It also provides clarity on the need for external observers to identify themselves and sign in when attending sessions.
- A crucial reminder is included regarding the expansion of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 in June 2022. This expansion now includes a broader range of ‘position of trust’ offenses, impacting adults coaching, teaching, training, supervising, or instructing 16 and 17-year-olds in sports or religion.
- For those who collaborate with schools, colleges, or local authorities, it’s essential to align with the out-of-school settings guidance. Schools should continue to consider ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE) and adhere to safeguarding policies and procedures specific to their activity. Additionally, it’s crucial to comply with any terms set by the school, college, or local authority when using their premises. Ensure that safeguarding is explicitly addressed in their rental or hire agreement or memorandum of understanding if no formal contract.
Useful links:
After-school clubs, community activities, and tuition Safeguarding guidance for providers