Dealing with Allegations against People Working with Children
Every local authority has a statutory responsibility to have a local authority designated officer (LADO), who is responsible for coordinating the response to concerns that an adult who works with children may have caused them harm.
In Surrey we work to the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Procedures which can be found on our online procedures manual
The LADO’s key role is to:
- Provide advice/guidance to employers or voluntary organisations
- Liaise with the police and other agencies including OFSTED and professional bodies such as the General Medical Council, HCPC and the College for Teaching and Leadership
- Monitor the progress of referrals to ensure they are dealt with as quickly as possible, consistent with a thorough and fair process
- Seek to resolve any inter-agency issues
- Collect strategic data and maintain a confidential database in relation to allegations
- Disseminate learning from LADO enquiries throughout the children’s workforce.
Regardless of the nature of allegations and who receives the allegation, it must be reported to the LADO. This must include situations where the worker resigns. Compromise agreements are not acceptable in such circumstances and may put others at risk in the future.
Complaints procedures are separate to the allegations process and just because someone does not wish to make a complaint, this does not mean the allegation should not be considered and investigated.
To contact the Duty LADO please call 0300 123 1650 (option 3) or email
The following documents can be used to aid in the process of reporting an allegation:
- Surrey LADO Referral form
- Surrey LADO Summary of Allegations
- LADO Risk Assessment Template
- LADO professional’s poster
- LADO leaflet for people who work or volunteer with Children and Young People
- LADO leaflet for Parent/carers and Children and Young People
- LADO Service Contact Pathway